Why have women become self-conscious about how their labia look? Has the quest for the perfect pussy developed because women are more aware of what female genitalia looks like, having viewed porn or nude photos of women and made comparisons to their own labia majora and labia minora? Or has the quest for the perfect pussy developed because women think men prefer smaller labia? These are just a few theories as to why women are pursuing the perfect pussy. Another theory might be that discussion about female genitalia has become less taboo in our culture. Now women feel complete freedom to express their wish to have their pussy look more aesthetically desirable and spend money to achieve it. Labiaplasty is the procedure that plastic surgeons perform to reshape a woman’s labia. Labiaplasty is performed in the UK and US more than any other countries and even more so in the UK than the US.

Plastic surgeons report that the most popular labiaplasty is reduction of the size of a woman’s labia. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed on the labia majora due to excessive size, asymmetry or atrophy. In slang, large labia are called beef curtains, beef flaps, big pussy or laffy taffy. Where other female anatomy has been sexually fetishized as desirable in our culture, namely big breasts and big butts, large labia have not been perceived as desirable. What is difficult to analyze is if it’s a male imposed desirability for labia to be labia minima or if women feel this part of their genitalia should be smaller to appear more aesthetically perfect.